Future Garden

Faculty Testimonials

Russ Corbett-Detig, 2017 Sloan Fellow

The Office of Foundation Relations was a tremendous help for me in developing my application for the Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship. The FR staff assisted me in identifying the core features of my research program that would be most appealing to the foundation and in honing my proposal into the most compelling application possible. FR also did a great job coordinating with my recommenders to ensure they submitted their letters prior to the deadline. In short, FR was instrumental in my receiving this award. [see UCSC News Center for award details]

—Russ Corbett-Detig, Assistant Professor of Biomolecular Engineering—

The staff at Foundation Relations played a huge role in fundraising for SCALES, the new exoplanet imaging instrument we’re building for Keck Observatory here at UCSC. Projects like SCALES require funding from multiple sources, including the federal government, private foundations and donors. The staff at Foundation Relations were great at figuring out how to interface with the many other groups fundraising for SCALES, here and at our partner institutions. The grant submission process was extremely smooth, both for me, and for the foundations. I think we’re a university that foundations like to work with, in no small part because of our excellent Foundation Relations staff.

—Andy Skemer, Professor of Astronomy—

Lynne Stoops has helped UC Santa Cruz’s Chicano Latino Research Center (CLRC) grow by supporting our successful application for a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. An attentive reader and sharp interlocutor, she provided feedback that helped my co-PIs and me hone our proposal’s focus, identify our goals, refine our budget, and win our campus’ first major award from the Mellon Foundation. Our grant has fostered scholarship in citizenship and migration studies and enhanced both the CLRC’s and UC Santa Cruz’s national and international research profiles. Lynne’s support was indispensable. We continue to work with her in moving the CLRC in new directions.

—Catherine Ramírez, Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies and Director of the Chicano Latino Research Center—

Last modified: Dec 19, 2024